Did Starlight Express take singing lessons?

Singing journey: Starlight Express

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning from the Star: The Singing Journey of Starlight Express

Starlight Express, the iconic rock musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber, presents not just a mesmerizing storyline and impressive roller-skating performances but also showcases an array of vocal talents that leave audiences in awe. Whether you're an aspiring singer or a seasoned performer, understanding the singing lessons and coaching behind such spectacular performances can offer insightful lessons.

Singing Coaches Behind the Scenes

While Starlight Express features a diverse cast over its long-standing performance history, key to its vocal success are the rigorous singing lessons and the vocal coaching provided to its cast. The production often involves vocal coaches proficient in musical theatre techniques to ensure that performers can deliver their best night after night. Names such as Mary Hammond, renowned for her expertise in vocal performance, have been instrumental in mentoring casts for maximum vocal performance and health.

Practical Advice for Aspiring Singers

If you're looking to enhance your singing abilities in a similar vein to the stars of Starlight Express, consider the following practical advice:

  • Master breath support. Learn the basics of active and passive breathing for powerful and sustained singing. Read more about breath support.
  • Embrace vocal warm-ups. Regular practice using effective warm-up techniques is crucial. Try the 3 Minute Warm Up to get started.
  • Understand your vocal range and work on extending it without causing strain. The Vocal range test on Singing Carrots is an excellent tool to discover your range.
  • Improve pitch accuracy. Consistent practice with melodies can significantly enhance your pitch accuracy. Consider using the Pitch accuracy test to track your progress.
  • Explore different vocal techniques suitable for various music styles, whether it be pop/jazz or classical. Resources like Pop/Jazz vs Classical singing can offer valuable insights.

Achieve Similar Results

To walk in the footsteps of the Starlight Express cast, dedication to practice and continuous learning is key. Utilize tools such as Pitch Training and exercises like How to Twang Exercise for specific skills improvement. Moreover, long-term training through comprehensive programs, such as the 21-lesson singing course, can lay a strong foundation for your singing career.


The vocal prowess displayed in Starlight Express is a testament to the effective singing lessons and coaching provided to its cast. By following similar training practices and making use of today’s resources like those offered by Singing Carrots, aspiring singers can aim for the stars - achieving not just improved vocal skills but also the confidence to perform at their best.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners